quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010

Portugal among the countries most affected by global warming

Portugal, Spain and France are among the European countries most affected by global warming, according to a British report released today, indicates that consequences such as water shortages, heat waves and forest fires. The Stern report, commissioned by the British Government to the former head of the World Bank Nicholas Stern, highlights the major climatic changes in Europe, stressing that the regions will be affected differently. "The Mediterranean will see an increase of the stress drought, heat waves and forest fires. Portugal, Spain and Italy are the countries most affected. This could lead to a move to North with regard to summer tourism, agriculture and ecosystems, "says the document. Northern Europe may register an increase in agricultural productivity (with an adjustment to the temperature rise) and less need to expend energy in winter.

Rising water threatens Holland
The melting of Alpine snows and more extreme precipitation patterns may increase the frequency of floods in major river basins like the Danube, Rhine and Rhone. The winter tourism will be affected. The study also states that many coastal countries across Europe are vulnerable to rising sea level. The Netherlands, where 70 percent of the population would be threatened with a one meter rise in sea level, is the country that is most at risk. The report notes that developed countries at lower latitudes (case of Portugal) are most vulnerable.

Water shortages and heat waves in southern Europe
Regions where water is already scarce face great difficulties and rising costs. Recent studies suggest that an increase of two degrees in global temperatures could lead to a reduction of 20 percent in water availability. The scarcity of water in this region will limit the carbon fertilization effect and lead to substantial losses in agriculture. The costs of extreme events such as storms, floods, droughts and heat waves will increase rapidly with higher temperatures, neutralizing some of the initial benefits associated with climate change. Only the costs of these phenomena could reach 0.5 to one percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by mid-century and will continue to increase as the world warms. Heat waves, like what happened in Europe in 2003, killing 35 thousand people and losses of 11.7 billion euros in agriculture, are common in mid-century. The North-South disparity of the impacts of climate change has already been registered during this heat wave, when the crops in southern Europe had a decrease of 25 per cent, while in Northern Europe there was the opposite (increase of 25 percent Ireland and 5 percent in Scandinavia). In the lower latitudes, it is expected an overall increase in energy consumption due to higher demand for air conditioning in summer.

To the trick people

Contrary to what people think the filters in factories to reduce pollution, has some truth and part lie.
By burning fossil fuels is not only released the Carbon dioxide but also a substance called aerosols.
By introducing the filters in factories, filters just will filter the aerosol and not the Carbon dioxide, in it has the good and the bad part. The good part what causes the air unbreathable is the aerosols, such as the United States if the factories not have these filters the population would have to walk the streets with masks. But it also has its bad part, so to filter the aerosol is released Carbon Dioxide. The greenhouse effect that people hear talking is when the sun's rays enter the atmosphere, are reflected in the oceans and the poles and is projected to space as the planet was to get a high percentage of Carbon dioxide does not leave the sun's rays are projected into space, just causes a greenhouse effect. The Carbon dioxide is breathable, but has the problem of letting in the sunlight and not let them out again by the atmosphere, causing global warming accelerate. The political summit to show the audience that will force the factories to get Filters do not for pollution, is only fooling the people, not being told the whole truth.
Most people have never heard of aerosols, as I discovered it so that after reading the book "The Seventh Seal."

What is Global Warming

Global warming is a theory supported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which refers to the average temperature rise of the oceans and air near the earth's surface that is alleged to have occurred in recent decades and there is possibility of continuation during the current century. The phenomenon manifests itself as a problem in temperature over the populated areas of the northern hemisphere, between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer. The maritime climate in the Southern Hemisphere is more stable, although the increase in mean sea level also reaches. The maritime climate depends on the temperature of the oceans in the Tropics, and this will be in equilibrium with the rate of evaporation of water, with solar radiation that reaches the Earth and the Greenhouse Effect.

If the average temperature increase is due to natural causes or anthropozoic (manmade) is still subject to some debate among scientists, although many meteorologists and climatologists have recently stated publicly that they consider evidence that human activity is actually influencing the occurrence of phenomenon. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, established by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization in 1988, in its most recent report says that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is likely to increase the greenhouse effect caused by higher concentrations of greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. Most of the scientific community believes that this is a phenomenon with anthropogenic causes.